Information on the Outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment is working closely with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), our Local Public Health Agencies (LPHA) and our communities to provide updated information about COVID-19.



Medium closeup of volunteers in blue vests




Colorado Volunteer Mobilizer (CVM) for Medical and Public Health Professionals.

Your involvement as a volunteer will help ensure that people or animals affected by a disaster will receive the public health and medical care they need. Registration in the on-line database is your first step in meeting this urgent need within Colorado and the nation.


Register to volunteer


March 24, 2020
With the extensive spread of COVID-19 throughout Colorado, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s Hazardous Material and Waste Management Division has transitioned to an all-remote staff at the Grand Junction Office.
March 24, 2020
Denver (March 24): Officials from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) urge Coloradans not to engage in open burning activities during the current COVID-19 response.
March 23, 2020
In order to protect public health and safety and slow the spread of COVID-19, this public health order increases social distancing and identifies critical workplaces that are exempt to make sure Colorado can provide goods and services to its people during the COVID-19 response.

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